RRB JE 2025 Latest Update | RRB JE CBT 1 Result, CBT 2 Exam Date & Notification Details

RRB JE 2025 Latest Update: when will the RRB JE CBT 1 result come CBT 1 paper was conducted very quickly Railway conducted all the exams very quickly after submitting the exam form first ALP then Technician then JE and all the exams were conducted within a month but Sir we had thought that according to the way Railway is working, CBT 1 result should come in January first ALP should have come after that JE should have come and Sir.

We had also heard till now that the RRB JE paper is going to be held in February CBT 2 result was not told to you Railway did not tell you this you had heard youtube1 if anyone wants to say anything then he can say anything it is not a big thing but many times it happens I will not say that it cannot happen it could have happened but if Railway had not given any result in the beginning of January itself If I had told people that this is the result of CBT I.

RRB JE CBT 1, CBT 2 Exam Date

there are high chances that you will have your CBT II paper in February, but the railway has postponed the entire month of January. What could be the reasons for this and what exactly is going on in the railway? Let us try to understand this a little. Now I would like to tell you what the model of the railway is like.

First understand the model of the railway is that now it will conduct its exams every year calendar wise. In the last year, it has conducted ALP, conducted technician, grade one, grade three and CBT one of JE has also been conducted. But the CBT two of all these is still remaining. Apart from this, there are some other exams of the railway whose CBT one has not been conducted yet, like RPF, RPF constable, NTPC graduate, non-graduate and there are some two-three exams like paramedical staff etc. or special category exams which are still remaining.

No doubt, their notification will be given later. They had come, so there is still time in them, but I would like to tell the railway about the problem that is being faced now. A few days ago, the railway officials had said that we will give sufficient time to the students to prepare for CBT 2, whether the child is from ALP or if I talk, then the child is from JE.

How You will be able to get this connectivity

How You will be able to get this connectivity and how the railways have accommodated you, you will see that no paper was conducted in January, Railway Protection Force i.e. RPF paper could have been conducted in February but the railways did not conduct the RPF paper in February and the railways said that when the entire Maha Kumbh is over, then we will conduct the RPF paper and you see the last time that the railways got, the railways are running very well according to their time, it is running very fast, okay, they immediately got it conducted in March, so now you will see the RPF.

CBT 2 Exam Date

Recently the date has come from 12 March to 20 March and due to this the old CBT 2 exams are pending to a large extent, so you will see here this is today’s news that Maha Kumbh has affected the railway recruitment, there will be no exam in February as well, the constable recruitment exam will be held from 2 March and it will run from 2 March to 20 March, now my aim here was to tell you three things, the first point was that when will the result of CBT one be declared When will the CBT 2 paper be held and when will the third one be held? I think when will the new notification come.

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