IGNOU Dec 2024 Result 7th Update Published : Hello everyone welcome to Today’s another update of the exam result and this is the seventh update of the result has been published, the status you guys will be able to see till 1st February, which was earlier showing till 31st January, that means only one day’s result has been updated and as I had told you earlier through the article that whenever there is a one day update, the results which were missed in the previous update, or were not made live, only those results are updated, so you guys can still check your result.
To check the result, you guys just have to come to this page, its link is given in the description, here you will get the direct link and from here you guys can check your result, so most of the students whose result I checked, it was showing the same date as before, but today it has gone live on the website, I am showing you some results as a proof.

IGNOU Dec 2024 Overview
Topic | IGNOU Results |
Year | 2024 |
ResultsAbout | December TEE |
IGNOU Dec 2024 Result
The result of the student BH IC 112 was declared, 61 marks out of 100, the date of update on the website is showing 28 January, but the result has been declared on today’s date and see here, he has got only two marks in one paper and 61 marks in two papers, so it does not happen normally that such good marks are obtained in one paper and such low marks in another paper, so this happens only when your papers are not checked properly, so whichever student has faced this type of thing.
Do apply for photocopy of answer sheet, your marks will definitely increase, along with that, see this student’s result of BH IC 133 has been declared Gaya has got 50 marks out of 100, the date of update is showing 28th January on the website, but this update has happened on today’s date. BPCG 176 has got 52 marks out of 100, but this has gone live on the website on today’s date. Their MG and MG 3 results have been declared, sorry, MG Th’s result has been declared, 60 marks out of 100, but the date of update is showing 21st January on the website.
IGNOU 7th Update Published
It has been updated on the website on today’s date, so this is happening a lot in this session that the old date of update on the website is showing the current result and this is happening with many students, I mean this type of problem is happening because the result was updated earlier on the website, but I mean it is visible to the students later, okay, this is happening with many students, okay, so still you people can check your result, now the problem is also related to this, many students.
It has been updated and it is showing the current status on 1st February. So whatever student’s result was declared on the website today, their marks have also been added to the grade card. So you can check the grade card and also the marks of the assignments whose receipts are not available.
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