Water Corporation Supervisor Vacancy: Notification Issued10th Pass

Water Corporation Supervisor Vacancy: The notification for the recruitment of supervisors in the Water Corporation has been issued, for which both female and male candidates can fill out the application form. Online applications for this recruitment will be accepted from January 20 to February 5, 2025.

The official advertisement for the recruitment of supervisors in the Water Corporation has been released on the website of the Employment Sangam Service Department, UP, for which both male and female candidates can fill out the application form online. This recruitment will be for the vacant posts of supervisors in the rural water corporation. Candidates are invited to apply through the online medium for this recruitment. The application forms for the water corporation supervisor recruitment started on January 20 and the last date to apply has been set for February 5, 2025.

Water Corporation Supervisor Vacancy Overview

RecruitmentWater Corporation Vacancy
Qualification 10th Pass
Mode of ApplicationOnline applications
Notification Released on the Portal Employment Sangam Service Department

Water Corporation Supervisor Recruitment Application Fee

Candidates will not have to pay any application fee for this recruitment, meaning that all candidates can fill out the application form for the Water Corporation Supervisor recruitment free of charge.

Water Corporation Supervisor Recruitment Age Limit

The minimum age of the applicant for the Water Corporation supervisor recruitment should be 18 years and the maximum age is set at 50 years, with age calculated according to the notification, while reserved categories have been given relaxation in the maximum age limit as per government rules.

Water Corporation Supervisor Recruitment Educational Qualification

The educational qualification required for candidates applying for this recruitment is passing 10th and 12th grades; in addition, candidates should also have experience. Candidates can check the detailed information about the educational qualifications in the official notification.

Water Corporation Supervisor Recruitment Application Process

  1. Candidates applying for the Water Corporation Supervisor recruitment will have to fill the application form online. First, they need to visit the official website of the Employment Sangam Department, then check the official notification for the Water Corporation Supervisor recruitment under the recruitment option and ensure their eligibility. After that, the candidate should click on apply online.
  2. The candidate must fill in all the information asked in the application form correctly, after which all necessary documents, passport-sized photos, and signatures must be scanned and uploaded. Then, the application fee must be paid according to the category. After that, check all the information in the application form and finalize the submission.
  3. Finally, take a printout of the application form for future reference and keep it safe. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted by any means, so be sure to pay attention to the time limit.
Official NotificationDownload
Online applicationApply here

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